Eliminate the following words from your vocabulary: –
(Scarcity mentality)
I hope
I want
I will
I wish
One day
Make it instead: –
(Abundance mentality)
This is DAY ONE.
I AM (and the result you are looking for) affirms it in the present tense.
Then you naturally start to develop the thoughts, actions, behaviours and
habits of that affirmation (same will happen if you have negative thoughts as you get back to you what you put out into the universe it’s the law of
attraction just like gravity).
Equally don’t forget about the Law of DETACHMENT. This means that if you truly believe and trust in yourself and the Universe/God/Law of attraction etc then you don’t need to plead and hold on tight. You can manifest, affirm and then let go and go with the flow with the imperfect daily action on your new up-levelled thoughts, behaviours and habits being this better more amazing version of yourself which you now are already (I AM).
Once you have affirmed, tell yourself/universe/God what you will do in
exchange as this energy flows to and fro and nothing is free. I.e. I will add
lots of value with free content, do this act of service, for every new client I
will sponsor or contribute to education of a women/child elsewhere in the
world, I will provide free mentoring…and go forth and do those acts of service with a full heart and without expectation.
Forget others limitations. Doesn’t matter if they laugh at you when you talk about all of this. Focus inwards on yourself and those that have an open mind and want to learn. When you do meet like-minded and higher-minded individuals, its a beautiful thing. A true connection. It is another level to talk about big ideas, the universe, philosophy, spirituality and psychology than those that talk about people and gossip. Be your higher self and attain higher vibrations and inward peace and happiness.
Remember you should be happy with what you have but you don’t have to be satisfied. Always go for gold. You can have whatever you want. You don’t need to compromise.
Decide once and for all that it will happen. Do not focus on the ‘how’.
Instead focus on the outcome of what you want. You are made up of atoms and energy, even a wall is not actually still but made of atoms and moving but we just can’t see it. That is why emotion is energy in motion as Eric Ho says.
We think on a frequency. As Steve Jobs said, “you cannot connect the
dots looking forward. You can only connect the dots looking backwards”.
You have decided on what you want for your future. But don’t then think, I will do this once I get more money, or have more time, once I have my children etc. There will never be a right time. You must decide.
When you have decided and truly believe and trust then you naturally change your frequency to a HIGHER level to match the higher level of yourself required to reach the higher frequency where your decision of attaining that dream lies.
You must make a committed decision. It is done. And then you naturally
subconsciously and consciously start acting and thinking as the higher version of yourself required to achieve the image of yourself in your mind.
Your belief, your firm decision, your new habits and thinking all then fuse and match the new higher frequency.
You will know when it is all going well on the right path because you will
start to see that you are part of a different club of thinking that 99% of the
world do not understand or take action on in harnessing their inner power.
In fact, your family and friends will wonder what is going on with you! And
probably think you have sustained a head injury! That’s ok they will catch up soon enough, if they want to. Your positive and abundant energy will spread out to others.
GO for gold!!! Don’t compromise. It is all worthwhile.
Practice daily I AM….I AM….I AM….then let it go with full trust and
belief…. act with being your higher self and adding value and service back to others…be thankful.
Comment below on what you will take away from this mini class.
#ericho #affirmations #spirituality #iam #iamhealthy #iamwealthy #iamlove#manifestation #positivity #massiveselflove #massiveaction #consistency